Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Individual Analysis of Working in a Group Situation

In this composing I volition describe and analyze my experience functional in a root word situation, writing a paper on the video 12 godforsaken Men. I ordain talk therapeutic conversation techniques used in our checking situation. I will address any conflicts that arose in our assort. Utilizing Tuckmans radical mathematical process theory, I will as well as address the goodness of our assort process. Individual Analysis of running(a) in a Group Situation larn how to work efficaciously in a crowd situation is key to success in some professions as well as in neighborly situations.Groups vary from to apiece one other based on the some wholenesss that make up from each one stem, each of us belong to various stems at one meter or a nonher. The roles that we fulfill vary from theme to assemblage, and whitethorn even vary within the same stem over time. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the conversation process and the interaction of my group during the completion of an mete outment. The group consisted of four members. Our projection was to prepare an analysis paper on the movie 12 Angry Men. Be give this was lonesome(prenominal) a four-member group focused on a single specific task, there was a full(prenominal) level of cohesiveness and no conflict.Our group would be considered a arcminuteary group because the relationship was indifferent and goal- lie (Arnold & Boggs, 2011). Every member of a group plays a certain functional role within the group. roughly functional roles relate to the task aspect of the group, piece others promote social interaction. These functions are manifested in the behaviors of individual members and affect group dynamics. Task functions include such(prenominal) behaviors as identifying tasks, coordinating, clarifying and summarizing. Maintenance functions include such behaviors as harmonizing, gatekeeping, encouraging and compromising.All of the members of our group were task specialists (A rnold & Boggs, 2011). accord to Arnold and Boggs (2011), when task specialists dominate a group, members cause dissatisfied and collaboration is diminished. However, this was not the case with our group. receiv subject to the fact that our group was very task oriented and we collaborated well with each other everyone was satisfied with the experience. Our group was up to(p) to effectively function without a designated leader. As a group, we had many strengths. I believe one of our biggest strengths was our effective intercourse.When we met in person totally the members of our group used therapeutic communication such as active listening, paraphrasing, and summarizing. We were all very respectful of each other and maintained eye contact and undefended nonverbal communication. There were several times during the movie that we paused the movie to discuss the jurors ages, professions, or the dynamics amidst the different jurors. Normally it wouldnt be refreshing to repeatedly p ause a movie for discussion, hardly it was widely accepted among our group and did not cause any conflicts. Another form of communication that our group used was the internet.It enabled us to receive papers via netmail attachment, and then download, print, edit, and return the changes at our own lei genuine. The alone drawback with using the internet for communication is the lack of acknowledgement. In the future I will make sure that I ask the recipient to acknowledge that they prolong received my communication. Groups do not always array off fully-formed and functioning. Bruce Tuckmans model of the developmental sequence in small groups suggests that groups grow through clearly delimit acts, from their creation as groups of individuals, to cohesive, task-focused teams.There are five-spot stages of Tuckmans theory, forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. During the forming stage of Tuckmans theory, group members meeting each other for the first time are mai nly concerned with over advance their discomfort with one another. In this strain, the group members are engaged in establishing boundaries and group norms for communication (Arnold & Boggs, 2011). In contrast to Tuckmans description, our group did not introduce themselves or share their backgrounds or reasons for coming to the croup, since we fill been together in class for a few weeks and had already been acquainted.Our group did not become through all of Tuckmans stages of group development. Specifically, we omitted the storming stage and passed from forming to norming. Tuckmans storming phase focuses on the interpersonal conflicts that erupt among the members as they compete with one another for leadership roles. According to Tuckman, the interpersonal conflicts that typically include personal criticisms spelunk the groups ability to accomplish the task (Arnold & Boggs, 2011). There was no real conflict in our group, since there was no clear leader in our group and all of th e members were very task oriented.According to Tuckman, during the norming phase the group has one goal and all group members number responsibility and work toward the success of the groups goals (Arnold & Boggs, 2011). Our group was able to arrive at this level of cohesiveness at the beginning of the first meeting. Our group agreed to discover the movie once by ourselves and then meet and watch the movie together, and once we had view the sprout we would decide as a group which questions to assign to each of the members. Tuckmans preforming phase happened on our second meeting, when our group watched the movie.After viewing the movie we discussed each question and collaboratively decided who would be most intimate about each of the different areas. After dividing up the different areas of the paper we decided on a date that we would email our individual sections to Katie. The final phase of Tuckmans theory is the adjourning phase. Our group reached this phase later we complete d our final paper with the satisfaction of all of the group members. I left the group with a real feeling of satisfaction at having achieved what I set out to do.Throughout this group process has been helpful in a number of ways. I have learned how to communicate more effectively and I have also learned to quality outside of my comfort zone. I have also leaned to be more conscious of my body language, because it is more effective than what you say. This group project has helped me learn how to canalise my thoughts, feelings, opinions and ideas to my group in an effective manner. . I will be able to apply what I have learned to my work and also to future group projects at school. Groups are a fundamental organise for accomplishing a wide variety of tasks.An effective group has many traits or characteristics that combine to ensure that it is able to reach its goals and objectives in a manner that is contributory to a high level of surgical procedure. Most groups go through five separate stages before achieving effective collaboration. Bruce Tuckman described these stages as forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Several factors affect group performance composition, size, norms, and cohesiveness. In working with groups it is important to be aware of the many factors that affect group performance and understand the individual as well as the group issues.

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