Thursday, October 17, 2019

Education Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Education - Annotated Bibliography Example The purpose is to help educators cope with the trend of increased scrutiny and testing in America’s public schools. Au, W. (2009). Social Studies, Social Justice: W(h)ither the Social Studies in High-Stakes Testing?Teacher Education Quarterly, 36(1), 43-58. High stakes testing is one of the most prevalent trends in education since the inception of the No Child Left Behind legislation was enacted in 2001. The author, researching from California State University, Fullerton presents findings on how this trend has affected social studies instruction in the classroom. The research reveals that social studies are losing class time in elementary school due to the NCLB mandate for proficiency in Math and Reading only. Other findings include changes in pedagogy in the social studies classroom that place emphasis on memorization of approved content and lessens the focus on critical thinking. This research is valuable in studying the impact of high stakes testing on the one subject that traditionally challenges social and societal assumptions. Baker, B. D., & McIntire, J. Evaluating State Funding for Gifted Education Programs. Roeper Review, 25(4), 173. The authors in this article offer a systematic analysis of Gifted Education spending at the state level. Five methods of funding are examined and explained.The authors then undertake an analysis of laudatory combinations of funding. This is an outstanding article for understanding how children of different ability levels have their needs met or ignored by state funding agencies. The analysis reveals that Virginia has the best system for funding Gifted Education. Baker, M., & Johnston, P. (2010). The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on High Stakes Testing Reexamined. Journal Of Instructional Psychology, 37(3), 193-199. Recent trends in education have seen an increase in high stakes testing as a result of NCLB legislation. All fifty states now utilize high stakes testing to meet NCLB requirements. The authors review the arguments for and against including Social Economic Status as a predictor of high stakes testing ability. The article is valuable for reviewing other studies and analyzing their meanings, but does not offer and new information of this recent educational trend. Boubsil, O., Carabajal, K., & Vidal, M. (2011). Implications of Globalization for Distance Education in the United States. American Journal Of Distance Education, 25(1), 5-20. Globalization and distance education are two recent trends in education. They seem to go hand-in-hand and should lead to the exporting of American style higher education around the world. The authors, writing from the University of Maryland University College and the University of New Mexico, argue that there are some barriers to exporting American higher education overseas. Barriers of language and the perception of American higher education institutions as de facto representatives of Americanism keep the growth in check in some regions. The authors po int out the globally, the demand is present so they predict continued growth despite the barriers. This is a useful and insightful research article dealing with a current recent trend in education. Elen, J., Clarebout, G., Leonard, R., & Lowyck, J. (2007). Student-centered and teacher- centered learning environments: what students think. Teaching In Higher

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